My $1000 a Day: The State Of Wax P2E NFT Projects..what to invest heavily in and what to avoid
I’ve been wanting to write an article about the state of Wax P2E (Play To Earn) projects for a while, but the market has been super volatile…like super volatile to the downside…now that everything got annihilated, I went back into the carnage and chose a couple great projects to stick with and dabbled in totally avoidable projects as well.
I base my buying on the ROI of the packs…exclusively…if the packs are cheap and return huge cards I will keep going back much as possible. I earn about $800-$1000 a day from P2E projects, and I like to reinvest that passive into projects that are extremely oversold (like NFT Battle Miners back in October, and NFT Panda in the past week) based on the packs or the cards.
NFT Battle Miners is my number one investment….When NFT Battle Miners crashed when they released a huge amount of packs back in October, I went straight into the lows and bought all the best cards… like the rare Mining Facilities, Ultimate Lands, 2 slot constructions, and Mining Albums…and also bought a ton of “Dominator” packs which consists of 1 Construction pack, 1 Land with a very high chance of low rarity and 3 Promo packs. I’ve been buying Construction packs at super cheap levels and recently pulled a $5000 3 size Mining Facility construction card among other $500-$3000 cards.
I bought all the best stuff i could up until December, and my investment was around $45,000-$50,000 (on the NBM collection page is says I spent $85,000+, but I sold around $30,000 of it to buy more packs or cards) and at one point the value hit $120,000…now conservatively it’s down to around $55,000-$60,000 in value, but for 3 months I was getting around $400-$500 a day on average from NFTs and Resources, so I’m almost 100% there to my original investment of $45,000-$50,000.
NBM has been the most stable and reliable of all P2E projects…during the crash in December the main staples lost about 50% of their value….but in projects like Farmer’s World and Farming Tales the cards lost 98%(!!!!!!) of their value.
For example, the Mining Excavator, the most valuable Farmer’s World card sold for as much as $98,000. Yes, NINETY EIGHT THOUSAND dollars…you know how much it’s worth now? 2% of that. $1250.
I’m avoiding both Farming Tales and Farmer’s World for that one reason, but the main reason I avoid both is the ROI of packs are extremely lousy. Packs from Farmer’s World which have the potential for a Mining Excavator at around 4% are $1200-$1300 even with the massive crash in the game. Just BUY the fucking Mining Excavator instead of a FOUR percent chance. The packs should be $200 at MOST but people refuse to sell them under $1300 at the moment.
Farming Tales packs are really lousy too and you can’t pull massive cards like NFT Battle Miners and NFT Panda. Other projects with horribly high prices and miniscule chance of anything good include Xpansion and Million on Mars. Xpansion “Normal” packs are almost $500 and “normally” you lose $400-$450 on the packs because there’s usually nothing in them. Million on Mars land packs are 99% commons it seems and the legendarys are hardly worth chasing…they barely even exist! I bought a couple packs of both those projects and was not impressed at all.
The 3 projects which have survived and have all the big plusses in my opinion are Alien Worlds, NFT Battle Miners and NFT Panda.
Alien Worlds TLM has held even through the massive crash in WAX P2E projects in the past couple week, and the cards even SHOT UP during that period of time. Lands are still at lowest $8000-$9000 when projects like Farmer’s World lost 99% of their value in their cryptos and NFTs.
NFT Panda I just entered in the past couple days and I’ve had quite a windfall opening the extremely cheap and underpriced packs (20 card hero packs and 6 card light packs) having spent $2200 on them, selling $600 of it to open more packs and as of today, the total value of my cards are in excess of $6500-$7000. I’m very impressed with how they basically made a Farmer’s World type of game but made it better. It’s a simple and entertaining game and the value of the underlying crypto “BAM” has a good bottom and upswing on the recent 1 month chart.
As previously mentioned, I’m a big investor in NFT Battle Miners for a reason. The packs are super cheap compared to what you can get, and I’ll continue to open the packs chasing the $2500-$5000 Ultimate Lands and Constructions. I’m also getting around $200-$250 a day passive from it, and I will continue to buy packs to further increase my daily income. What impresses me the most about NBM (other than the fact that the staple cards only dropped 50% on the P2E crash recently) is the news flow. There’s a very vibrant community on Discord and the employees are on top of things all the time and are looking every day to improve the product. They’re even taking the income from NFT sales and reinvesting it back into their underlying cryptos Constructium, Actium, Fusium and Minium and are taking measures to stabilize or increase the value. There are a ton of plusses for NBM’s future also with the Person vs Person game being launched soon. They are always on top of things and are making sure the game thrives. I’m buying the construction packs for around $90 combined from the store, and the worst thing that could happen is getting a $60-$70 common construction….the best pull like I said earlier was a $5000 construction size 3, a couple Legendarys and tons of the $500-$600 Rare Mining Facility. The risk is EXTREMELY low in these packs and that’s why I still buy them.
Now the projects I’m gonna list are gonna get a bunch of boos and pissed off people if I state my honest opinion, but I’m not a bullshitter and am a straight shooter as most people know. I’m here to make money and make sure my NFT’s are stable and hold their value…as well as bring a great amount of passive income.
Here are the projects I’m avoiding.
- ) Farmer’s World. This was the meteoric NFT game that went super fast parabolic in the air, and came crashing down worst than it rose. The problem with the game in my opinion is that there’s WAY too many NFTs out there. Why the fuck is a Chainsaw which has SIXTY THREE THOUSAND of them (63,000) still $1250? And why the hell with 63,000 chainsaws was 1 of them worth and sold for as much as $98,000 at one point? There was a clear bubble..the devs don’t seem to care as they recently sold a huge amount of WAX from the game on the market and appear to be exiting and not caring about what happens. The chat on Discord is scary to look at. You get people saying “oh the devs are just crashing prices so the newbies can go in..” That’s complete bullshit. And with the FW tokens crashing every day and barely coming back on small bounces, it’s a very dangerous project to be in. I actually bought a Stone Axe and Ancient Stone Axe for the combined price of $150 during the huge crash just to see what it was about. It’s a very aggravating game to play and within days I sold both tools for $ they both sell for $ (Ancient Stone Axe) and $25 (Stone Axe)
2.) Train Of The Century: You guys probably knew that at one point I was the biggest holder of TOC having spent around $15,000 on the packs and game. It took forever for the game to actually come out, and the community is non existant. Why play when there’s nobody to talk to? So I sold and traded my collection of TOC for about break even before the game launched. At one point speculators rocketed the price of the NFT’s 4x-5X so I was kinda feeling stupid…but recently the underlying crypto Tocium crashed so bad that it’s not even worth playing at all. The NFTs crashed as well. You barely make anything even with a the biggest setup possible. I mean, I was making 5440 Tocium a day which at the highs was around $60 a day with this massive collection, but that same 5440 to date is worth around $5 a DAY. Is that even worth it?
3.) Farming Tales: The reasons I’m avoiding this project are the following: There’s no “big pulls” from the overpriced packs at all. The best you can do is break even based on the price. This is totally bizarre and makes no sense, so why open them? Plus the FT crypto got totally destroyed and it’s barely flickering back off the lows.
4.) SpaceCraft: Now here’s a really hilarious thing with the packs. Packs are $1300 at the moment, and the worst pulls is a $50 common. Why the FUCK would anyone in their right mind open one of these packs hoping for anything good when 9 times out of 10 you get a $50 common? The crypto recently has gotten absolutely killed and every day down 30%. I would HATE to be fully invested in this shitty project…everything is still extremely overpriced despite the carnage, so buying low here won’t happen with me. I know NOTHING about the game. All I know is that this project has violently overpriced packs and NFTs.
5.) Xpansion: Another project with horribly overpriced packs that haven’t gone down at all despite the NFTs dropping in a big way. “Normal” Packs are $450 and “normally” you get $50 in cards…the big pulls are totally and utterly impossible. Sure a Mythic is probably $20,000 but there’s like 5 of them out there lol. I base most of what I see in a project based on the ROI of the packs, and SpaceCraft and Xpansion have the absolute most horrible ROI’s period in all of WAX P2E games.
I’ve mentioned the most noteworthy projects in WAX and chose 3 to stick with — Alien Worlds, NFT Battle Miners and NFT Panda. The other 5 are or were the highest volume P2E games in WAX and all 5 got completely destroyed and keep getting killed, and there’s so many negatives with them.