RSI at this moment 11:03PM PT 1/21/22 on BTC is 38 and ETH 40. We could be staring at an important bottom at this moment.


current quotes
BTC RSI at 2018 lows! 38

The RSI is one of the most important indicators for a long term bottom, and at this moment we’re staring at RSI 38 at BTC which is UNDER the 2018 low and 40 for ETH which is under 2018 low as well. There’s 5 waves down in a C wave in ETH and BTC which means at this very moment we could be staring at a very important bottom formation.

I’ve made huge calls using elliott wave on BTC over the years, and calling a bottom here is what I’m doing.

Please take a look at one of my biggest bottom calls in 2019..the very day it happened on this chart.

another amazing call on bitcoin i made last year
Our Father!
Hail Mary!



Ted Wavegenius Aguhob
Ted Wavegenius Aguhob

Written by Ted Wavegenius Aguhob

Broke 33rd degree WD Gann trading record — Karaoke King! The World’s #1 Elliottician - Music/Markets

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